1, greetings(1)/ut hox-l iw-j hi!/nk haq! hello!/nk haq! good morning!/zaq xad haq, xad w-q haq! good afternoon!/hid w-q haq! good evening!/ys xad haq! good night!/ys am! 2, greetings(2)/ut hox-l iw-j how are you?/nk haq ma? fine, thank you. and you?/hs haq, hih hih. nk ig haq ma? how have you been lately?/nk git-z laj haq ma? all right./bx cr. how's everything?/i kih dou haq ma? pretty good, thanks./hja daa bx cr, hih hih. 3, introdution(1)/gih xar-s this is fang-fang./vh ul-l xl faa-c faa-c. glad to meet you, fang-fang./faa-c faa-c, gjt dar nk hs gao hil-q. nice to meet you, too. ming-ming./mij mij, gjt dar nk uq ig hs gao hil-q. oh, ming-ming, come and meet li ying./a, mij mij, laj gjt gjt lk-m ii-c. how do you do?/nk haq. happy to know you./hs gao hil-q rt-j xj-j nk. 4, introdution(2)/gih xar-s may i askyou to meetxiao-ling?/jr bx jr uq gih xar-s nkrt-j xj-j hjq lij-b? pleased to meet you./hs gao hil-q ix-z gjt nk. it's a pleasure to see you./gjt dar nk vm kyl hp. may i introduce xiao-fang to you?/uq kg k hjd nk gih xar-s i hid hjq faa-c ma? it's nice to see you./gjt dar nk vm gao hil-q. me, too./uq ig hs gao hil-q. 5, self-introduction/zl uq gih xar-s hi, i'm tom./hai-k, uq gjr-k taa mw-n. hi, i'm maty./hai-k, uq gjr-k mc-be ll-q. excuse me, my name is liu li./dul bx kk, uq jr-k lqv-y ll-y. let me introduce myself. my name is li ling./rad uq zl uq gih xar-s i hid, uq mij-k gjr-k lk-m lij-b. may i introduce myself? i'm fang-fang./uq kg k zl uq gih xar-s i hid ma? uq xl faa-c faa-c. allow me to introduce myself: wang li./kik os hiw uq zl uq gih xar-s: yb ll-c.